Terms & Conditions
Welcome to our website. An outline of this information is provided within this site. The information is generic in nature and we take no responsibility for its usage. By accessing and using this website you acknowledge that you have read these conditions and agree, without limitation to be bound by them.
Company Details
Trading Name: Paradox Coffee Roasters
Country: Australia
Telephone Number: (07) 5538 3235
Email: [email protected]
ABN: 39 154 684 474
All Payments received are to be in Australian Dollars – AUD
All payments to Paradox Coffee Roasters for all products on this website are to be made in Australian Dollars. Paradox Coffee Roasters will only be able to process and honour payments made in Australian Dollars.
Our Website is committed to the protection of personal information provided to us. Our Website follows various principles concerning the collection, storage and se of personal information as outlined in the National Privacy Principals of the Commonwealth Privacy Act (1988). Accordingly we have a privacy policy which deals with:
The way we collect, use and disclose personal information;
The way we protect the quality and security of such personal information;
The way that access can be granted to personal information held by us;
The manner of dealing with any complaints concerning the correctness of or access to personal information held by us.
Our Privacy Policy is available: https://paradoxroasters.com/privacy-policy/
The material contained in this site is the copyright of Paradox Coffee Roasters and is protected by Australian and International copyright laws.
The site and the data in it are supplied solely for informational use. Apart from permitted uses under the Copyright Act 1968, and, except for the temporary copy held in your computer’s cache and downloading for private use, no part of the material or data contained in this site may be reproduced, altered, transmitted or re0used for any purpose whatsoever without the written permission of Paradox Coffee Roasters.
Website Content and Materials
The information and materials contained in this site (including these Terms and Conditions) are subject to change without notice. We may discontinue or make changes to the content of this site and the network at any time. Any dated information included in this site is current at the date of publication only, and we will not have any obligation or responsibility to update or amend such information.
This website is provided without any express warranties or guarantees, unless specifically stated and, to the extent permitted by law, without an implied warranties or guarantees. Paradox Coffee Roasters will make best efforts to ensure a quality product and service is provided across all transactions we complete.
For all La Marzocco and Mazzer machinery sold the manufacturer will provide the customer with a 12 month warranty on all non-wearable parts with the machine.
This website is presented “as is”. We make no representations or warranties of any kind whether express or implied in connection with material on this website including but not limited to warranties as to merchantability, non-infringement of intellectual property or fitness for a particular purpose, to the extent to which such representations and warranties may lawfully be excluded.
You agree that we will not be liable for any loss or damage which you incur as a result of use of this website including without limitation, damage caused by access delays, computer viruses, system failure or malfunction which may occur in your use of the website including hyperlink to or from third party websites.
To the maximum extent permitted by law we disclaim liability for any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damage of any kind related to your use of this site.
You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Paradox Coffee Roasters and any affiliated organisations, and its directors, officers and employees from any claim or demand including reasonable legal fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of your use of this site or any violation of these terms and conditions.
No Offer of Products or Services
Nothing contained in this site will constitute an offer by Our Website for any products or services which may be advertised through the site including its micro site pages. Nor does Our Website make any specific warranty or representation of any kind with respect to any such information. Our Website will not be liable to you or any person who incurs any loss or damage as a result of relying upon any such information.
Your Feedback
We welcome enquiries or feedback on Our Website or any ideas you may have. Unless specifically stated by you we shall treat any information you provide us with, as non-proprietary and non-confidential.
Purchase, Redemption, and Use
Except for the exclusions listed below, once purchased your eGIFT card may be redeemed for purchases online at paradoxroasters.com by using the unique code issued.
Paradox eGIFT Cards cannot be used to purchase coffee subscriptions or for use at any of our Paradox cafes or cafe partners.
Online Gift Card Purchases
eGIFT cards can be purchased from paradoxroasters.com
Payment for your eGIFT card value must be made online using payment options listed on our shopping cart page.
After successful payment, the Paradox eGIFT card will be delivered electronically to the specified recipient.
Using your eGift Card
Making a purchase with your paradox eGift
Your eGIFT may only be used to make purchases via paradoxroasters.com
Your eGIFT card may only be used to make purchases up to the initial eGift card value or the Remaining eGift cars value. If you wish to make a purchase for an amount that exceeds the eGift card value or the remaining eGift card value, you must pay the excess using another payment method. No cash will be given for any remaining eGift card value. The remaining eGift card value may be used in whole or part against future online purchases until the eGift card expires.
Exchanging Items Purchased with an eGift Card
Goods that are purchased solely or in part with an eGift card may be exchanged or returned subject to Paradox Coffee Roasters exchange and returns policy.
No Cash Advances
eGIFT cards are not legal tender, account cards, credit, or debit cards. You cannot obtain any cash advance with your eGIFT cars, redeem your eGIFT card for cash, or receive any portion of the remaining eGIFT cars value in cash.
Checking your eGift Card Balance, Expiry Date, and Transaction History
You can check your eGift card balance and expiry date at any time by visiting paradoxroasters.com. You will be required to log in to your user account before you will have access to your eGift card information.
Expiry, Cancellation, and Re-Issue of eGift Cards
Expiry of eGift Cards
Cards expire 36 months (3 years) from the date of issue. Any balance remaining on an eGift card after the expiry date will not be able to be redeemed by the eGift card holder. All eGift cards are redeemable online only and not valid for us in any Paradox cafe or any of our cafe partners.
Lost or Stolen eGift Cards & Your Responsibility
We accept no liability for errors in the email address provided to us at the purchase of an eGift card. We assume no liability for the loss, theft, or illegibility of eGift card. In the event of fraud, an attempt at deception, or in the suspicion of other illegal activities in connection with the redemption of eGift cards on paradoxroasters.com we are entitled to close your account and/or require a different means of payment.
We reserve the right to change any terms contained in these Terms of Use at any time.