Bean Guessing Competition
Guess how many beans are in the Jar!
To celebrate International Coffee Day, we’re giving you the chance to win a Paradox Coffee Roasters x Alternative Dairy Co prize pack, including a V60 pour-over, 200g of Paradox beans, a Beastman tote bag, along with an ADC tote full of goodies!
To enter, simply guess how many beans are in the jar! The closest guess without going over wins!

Enter now to win!
Terms and Conditions
Competition is open from 0800 – 1400 on Tuesday October 1st 2024. To be eligible to enter, you must make a purchase between the hours of 0800 and 1400 on the 1st of October 2024. Customers are limited to one entry per transaction. The winner will be drawn on October 4th 2024 and notified via email and text message. The prize pack is to be collected by October 11th 2024. After this date the next closest winner will be drawn and notified. If you require any further information please speak the our team.